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PROCRASTINATION: What is it, really?

Updated: Oct 10, 2023

Procrastination is a common hurdle that hinders progress and undermines the success we could have. Delving deeper into the roots of this behavior and discovering effective ways to overcome it is key. A crucial factor in this equation lies in understanding the profound connection between intrinsic motivation and procrastination behavior.

"The School of Athens" by Raphael - 1511

Intrinsic motivation, our inner drive rooted in our innate passions, values, and goals, plays a pivotal role in our productivity and fulfillment. When we engage in activities that align with our intrinsic motivation, we enter a state of flow, where time seems to fade away, and our focus intensifies. In this state, procrastination finds no room to thrive.

However, when our actions deviate from our intrinsic motivation, the vicious cycle of procrastination emerges. It becomes a defense mechanism against the disconnection we feel from our core desires. Understanding this link empowers us to break free from its grip and unleash our productivity in a smart and purposeful manner.

The first step in combatting procrastination is understanding our intrinsic motivation. By taking the time to identify our values, passions, and goals, we gain clarity on what truly drives us. Aligning our actions with this intrinsic motivation bridges the gap between motivation and action. Mundane tasks transform into meaningful action items, and our productivity have more potential to soar.

In addition to harnessing intrinsic motivation, adopting a growth mindset is crucial in our fight against procrastination. Embracing setbacks as growth opportunities and firmly believing in our ability to develop skills through effort and practice promotes resilience and perseverance. This mindset shift empowers us to overcome obstacles and fosters a sense of continuous improvement.

With a growth mindset, productivity and fulfillment become natural byproducts of our commitment to personal growth.

Alongside leveraging intrinsic motivation and nurturing a growth mindset, implementing practical strategies can help combat procrastination. Breaking tasks into smaller, manageable steps, setting realistic goals, and creating accountability systems are effective approaches. Additionally, practicing self-compassion and self-discipline can provide the necessary support and structure to overcome the allure of procrastination.

Unleashing our productivity requires a deep understanding of the connection between intrinsic motivation and procrastination. By aligning our actions with our intrinsic drive, cultivating a growth mindset, and implementing practical strategies, we can overcome procrastination's grip.

Embrace your inner motivation, strive for continuous growth, and unleash your full potential!

With these tools in hand, productivity and fulfillment become not just aspirations but tangible realities.

  • On a scale from 1 - 10, how much does procrastination undermine your success?

  • Following reading this article, what is one small step you can take in combatting this useless behavior?


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